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Download the Latest Thinking from Bluegrass Ingredients

For food manufacturers, understanding what consumers mean when they say “healthy” is essential. It can make or break a new product’s success or an existing item’s continued profitability.  

Download the latest report from Bluegrass Ingredients to learn:

  • The role food manufacturers play in driving and interpreting consumer trends around healthy eating 
  • How organic products factor into consumers’ healthy food choices 
  • How food manufacturers can capitalize on the fast-evolving healthy snack space 
  • How to navigate the complicated intersection of clean label ingredients and product innovation

Contact Us

E-book: What Does Healthy Eating Mean to Today’s Consumers?

Your Partner in Perfecting Flavor

The Agile Kitchen at Bluegrass is a product development center and resource hub for acting on ever-evolving consumer food trends in close collaboration with leading food manufacturers. The Agile Kitchen at Bluegrass exists as a physical space and a digital solution, advancing the company’s commitment to understanding ingredient trends and market opportunities, a cornerstone of its Agile Ingredient Innovation® service model. 

True Partners in R&D

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